Thursday, November 18, 2010

There In The Eleventh Hour

Image borrowed from Bing

there in the eleventh hour

there in the eleventh hour
you contemplate that just beyond
the reach of your slender fingers
and your keen mind, time, or at least
the measurement of movement,
does not exist, that all is one, and
one is now, and circular, that great
god-snake eating its own tail,
the universe still expanding,
you as entity there covered in
rainbows, reviewing this moment,
and planning the next, still
anchoring in the now

Glenn Buttkus

November 2010

Would you like the author to read this poem to you?


Roger Kuhrt said...

Glenn: Now this is a great poem!!!

Cheerfully, Roger
Oroborus forever.

Paul Bauck said...

It's the anchoring in the now I've always struggled with. Reviewing the past and planning the future come much easier to me.

Another good poem.

Jinksy said...

that all is one, and
one is now, and circular, that great
god-snake eating its own tail

How well you've captured this ancient concept in words. As a Piscean/Snake I can identify with it completely! :)

Tess Kincaid said...

Glenn, you sound exactly like I heard you in my mind. What a special treat to have you read this extraordinary piece. The imagery of the snake god eating its tail is wonderful.

(the bit about the universe expanding made me think of the scene with Alvie and the doctor in Woody Allen's "Annie Hall") ;^)

Tess Kincaid said...

Does this mean I don't have to do my homework?

Reflections said...

But of course time is circular, or it wouldn'tn repeat itself twice in the same day. Today is yesterday to come... Yep, circular.