Shhh, Tread Lightly, American Poets
Tread lightly, merkan
poet - dissident writing
make U terrorist
According to .gov-
make U red list or blue list
doomed American
You’re the Ages true
historian - speaking truth
to power always!
Janet Leigh August 2008
My goodness, my site, FEEL FREE TO READ, must be in the top ten Red list. I just posted 97 anti-war poems, including Wilfred Owen, Walt Whitman, and me, with tons of Brian Turner. I will post your latest poetic rant too, just as soon as I get finished with this comment. I wonder when the two lunkheads in black suits will show up at my door, wearing no eyes dark sunglasses, carrying briefcases, with handguns tucked under their arms, not smiling. I wonder if Sherman Alexie would be too busy to represent me at the trial?
Your poem looks sterling on FFTR, Janet. I found some great images to accompany it. Christ, this is still America, enit? J. Edgar is deceased, and now can wear his dresses daily. Nixon is deceased. Joe McCarthy is deceased. Unfortunately, Dick Cheney and Junior Bush still reign supreme. Elect Obama, you nation of fools. Stay away from 4 more years of the Bush wars under McCain!
What a great honor you bestow on me to include these poem/rants of mine, Glenn. You dressed it up beautifully, too, with just the right photos. I love it! You can be proud of this site's content - it soars above the heads of officialdom like a rocket of truth to slice through their world of bullshit! I can spend hours here and do, and would comment even more because so much interests me on your site, Glenn, but scrolling thru the same accumulated pages each time I comment becomes a deterrent for me, not your fault, I know, just saying..:) Blogger should tweak their software to put the commenter right back where they were prior to commenting, don't you think? It would be the right thing to do..:)
If those Men in Black show up don't you think Alexie would jump at the chance to represent you? *chuckle*
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