Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Elegy for Marty Horton


who was 28 years old
when he died of AIDS in August, 1992

When Marty Horton laughed
one thousand butterflies burst from their cocoons
and painted the sky with their beauty.
When Marty Horton laughed
chains broke their links and prisoners went free
fences fell down
doors opened
their locks no longer functioning.
When Marty Horton laughed
something profound occurred in the universe:
I'm sure that every time he laughed
a star swirled furious into being
or a red giant exploded and swollen
or a white hole opens its portal of light.
I'm sure that a seed cracked somewhere
and a secret energy of growth pushed a flower
through the dark and heavy earth.
When Marty laughed
he gave himself to that laugh
he gave himself completely to laughter
to joy
if only for a moment,
the past and future fused in the present
and there was the moment of being with Marty
and laughing together.
When Marty laughed
Joy became reified Joy became a person
who sat with us and told us that this
is as it should be.
His laughter was a perfect music
a music of revelation.
With Marty a laugh became a psalm
of liberation
a song of breadloaf rising
and his laugh was a magic yeast within me.
I will always remember Marty's laugh
and his quick smile and giving.
It always filled me with a sweet wine
it always made me want to be more.
His laughter was a gift from God
an orchard that still gives me fruit
whenever I remember.
When I think of Marty now
I think not of how he died
but of how he laughed,
of how angels were born from his mouth.
And I was lifted with him
who lifted all who were with him.

Richard Smyth

Posted over on Anabiosis Press

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