Beyond the Deck
Waitaminute, suddenly my office filled with red
light, then orange rays ran rampant, and I could
hear the hot hiss of golden shards slicing their
way through the gray mist that lay heavy on
my back yard, just past my deck, out the window,
where I do see Julia Roberts in a bikini serving
cocktails to Tiny Tim, Prince, and Michael Jackson,
while Cirque Du Soleil is dropping down on red
velvet ropes doing incredible twists and flips
and twirls, and President Obama is standing
on my garage roof playing a cello and wearing
a cowboy hat, while a battalion of ravens has
appeared darkening the horizon, and they are
singing God Bless America as the Blue Angels
make a pass over and Robin Redbreast is perched
on a deck post giving a lecture on quantum physics,
and Woody Allen is sitting in a beach chair in our
tomato garden playing his clarinet, and the
unmistakable strains of I NEED A MAN come
wafting in the wind, as a wagon train passes,
their canvas flapping, led by Billy Graham riding
a white donkey that is wearing red plumes,
moving parallel to a caravan of llamas and camels
laden with old computers and large screen tv’s
lumbers by, all scattered by two black Ops
helicopters hovering over the alley, and black
suited dudes are slipping down dark ropes,
with rifles on their backs led by Bette Midler
who is leading George Bush Jr. on a lease, as
he chafes against his green fur collar with
Lassie nipping at his heels, followed by Zorro
on a Honda black gullwing with a whip antenna,
and 37 leprechauns are standing on the right side
of my house pointing to three rainbows, all of which
end up touching our new 2011 Camry Hyrid with
its blue whisper paintjob, and 9 pizza makers are
running past flipping pizza dough high into the
air, which morphs into bluebirds that are all
carrying roses in their beaks, roses of all colors,
flying straight up the curve to the rainbows and
disappearing between blue and red, while a
Washington State Super Ferry streaks across
the horizon, its fog horns blearing, lit up like
a Christmas tree, harmonizing with the Mormon
Tabernacle Choir singing another Funster hit,
while JFK shows up on the roof next to Barrack,
and he is wearing a hula skirt and Grateful Dead
tee shirt as he yells, “Ich bin ein Funster follower!”
just as Venus and Mars begin to fill up the whole
sky, and Mt. Rainier and Mt. Adams begin to erupt,
and fire lava shoots ten miles into the sky, as
blue bunny stuffs three karrits in his maw
and claps like a covey of quail.
Glenn Buttkus August 2010
LOVED it on my blog!
Love it here.
(weird-ass picture.) :)
Holy cow. You havn'et posted since this?
Are you alright????
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