painting by Curtis Verdun
Whatthehell makes sense?
The Bush Wars inherited
by Obama? Old age?
Attacks of CRS and aches
and pains and blank spaces?
Calling things Jumbo Shrimp?
Filing things under Government
Intelligence? Endeavoring to
be engaged by rhetorical
questions? Jean-Paul Sartre?
Jackson Pollock's drippings?
Mozart's operas? My cat?
My wife? Your wife? Why
a GPS sends you only the
stupid ways first, as if you
have forgotten how to
read a map? Why does
Motel 6 rooms cost $65.00?
Why we do not fear for our
lives living in the shadows
of several fire mountains?
Why do we whistle in cemeteries?
Why couldn't I find an SUV that
was painted red instead of
government mint silver?
Why haven't I seen Bigfoot
yet? Why does no one give
a shit I saw that UFO on
the high CA deserts in 1983?
Why do I have a lot of hair
on my fireplug of a body,
and you have less on your
lanky frame? The technology
that emerges daily to help
us forget about the important
issues on this planet, and keeps
our children occupied and zoned
out during elections? Christ, I
could go on, but it makes no
sense to do so.
Glenn Buttkus August 2010

This insane image and poster that is out there
on the net, being read and seen by millions, enraged
me this morning, added several frown lines, and made
me pucker up my butt. Add to this friend Doug Palmer
being self-deprecating regarding his poem posted here
previously, and I had to rant:
Real fake fur
makes sense, but savings bank doesn't. How about sophomore or oxymoron as synonyms? That a
human being is considered rational is one that confounds me. I've been reading this book by
Tolle in which he spends 350 pages explaining how we can't know anything anyway, asking his
reader to raise his consciousness by stopping all that thinking, all the while asking the reader
to think seriously about what he's explaining in thoughts and illustrations that require thought
to understand. Crazy! What's the sound of one hand clapping? -- David
Or, worse, what's the sound of the other hand clapping ?
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