Tuesday, May 6, 2008


"Ode to a Venerable Shack"

The cabin is called "Christie".
Named for that mountain
across the lake.
The resort is named "Lochaerie".
I don't know who
the mountain was named for.

The cabin was built in 1932.
It sits on a hunk of granite,
that is named for some reason
"Onion rock".
Still funky
after all these years.
The floor is uneven
and the whole thing wobbles
when you shut
the refrigerator door.

Time is too busy
Time does not stand
Mountains to rain on
And grind into sand

Time is important
Time's on the run
Planets to form
And fling to the sun

But Christie protects us
Keeps Time at bay
Safe in her refuge
As long as we stay

Hours, Days, Years
Words heard in a dream
Christie is graceful
Safe and serene

One minute is always
Whenever we stay
Thanks to our Christie
Time stays away

The fireplace smokes, too.

Doug Palmer

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