Thursday, September 2, 2010

Only in America

Only In America:

I think it was in 1936, the Nazis had a rally in
Madison Square Garden. Looks like that Mosque
is still going to be built near Ground Zero. I am
proud to live in a country where such derision
of a good man, a decent President, is tolerated
and allowed, even though my butt puckers with
outrage as the ignorant and self-righteous John
Birch skinhead Tea Party Conservatives, religious
zealots and Republicans have the leisure and
the freedom to come up with this crap.

Only in America.


Stafford Ray said...

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire.
Great you have exposed this crap, but I am afraid there are consequences. And typically the shit hits the messenger!
We over here in Oz do follow US poltics almost as closely as our own and are aware of the opposition to Obama, even within his own party. Had to happen, but the fact he was elected at all was a minor miracle and shows how far you have come since the US electorate shocked itself by electing Jack Kennedy, a Catholic! Next might be an Af Am woman... But please not the pit bull with lipstick!

Lane Savant said...

Couldn't agree more, Glenn, Stafford.
But we knew the backlash would happen.
All these "I'm not a racist, but" types got to get it out of their system, I guess.
Pres Obama's theme song might well be "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, and here I am, stuck in the middle with you"

Glenn Buttkus said...

Thanks guys, I just had to stick my
neck out a bit and make a statement.
I pilfered the Junior poster from
Cortney Bledsoe's site. He is the poet
and teacher I have befriended.
To stand up, or click up, or man up
and say what you feel is essential,
here or in Oz. Stafford I spent 4
months in Sydney in 1977, as an
actor; loved it, wanted to stay,
but couldn't get a job. Australian
Equity union said nicht verboten.