Saturday, October 2, 2010

Siren Signal

Siren Signal

At distance, in the cover of wild woods,
A heart beats fast and, deep beneath your robe,
Secreted charms. Dazzling, illicit goods,
Wrested from tight, cold hands around the globe.
Your time is not in full glare of the sun
That dies of shame, each night you roam the land.
It cries a light on those you have undone,
And lifts their seaward tears up from the sand.
Adorned with loss of life and savage deed,
Your looks belie the torture and the strain.
Devilish games that broke you from your creed,
Left me to heal the legacy of pain.
Ferocious souls cannot resist the lamp
That draws all black hearts, weeping, to the vamp.

Martin Hodges

Posted over on Square Sunshine
Listed as #26 on Magpie Tales 34

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