One of Those Days
One of those days when the sun, the sky,
the air and the water add up to and engender
a lotus like state of mind.
When just being is enough.
Light is let into the cobwebbed corners,
Illuminating an absence of demons.
Wish I could find a way to describe it.
Nothing outstanding occurred the whole day
except the lotusness of it.
The green shoots creep from their underground beds,
unfurl their leaves, stretch, yawn,
and turn their faces to the sun.
The brave,or foolish, ones anyway.
Forgetting all about the warnings,
like late frosts
that they were taught in seed school.
But the timid ones take their chances too,
If there's no frost,
they will pop up a lap behind
and be the butt of short jokes.
"Hey little guy, you call that a stamen, a pistil?"
"Where'd you get those leaves, Goodwill"
Flora can be quite vicious.
Quite the poor winners.
So its a tossup isn't it?
A golden coin flickers in the sun,
Will it land heads,
Or will it land tails?
Ya never know.
Doug Palmer February 2009
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