Friday, December 11, 2009

Butter Beans

deviant art by abAstris


I watched her knees as she
shelled butter beans
Into a green square cracked bowl
held between her slender legs.
She dropped the husks into her lap.
They criss-crossed, formed a green Calder,
A mobile that vibrated when her legs shifted.
The beans, pale jade, were like raindrops
that fell in splashes to become green,
white-streaked marble.
Soon, I also did start to shell these beans;
My fingertips became pale green. I felt
I was pale green all over, a forest god.
We shelled in silence. Her head leaned towards
My bent head, and without saying one word,
We discoursed vociferously about
What was deeply concealed under our clothes.

Duane Locke

Posted over on Writer's Eyes

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