Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Borrowed Beauty

Image by Alex Shapiro

Borrowed Beauty

The gauntlet was laid down
a week or two ago,
and I was challenged
to photograph rain.
I shall obey. Soon.
When we have some.

Lacking rain of my very own,
I gazed out from my desk
two afternoons ago
and watched this downpour
appear to float above lovely
and even-more-remote-than-me
Waldron Island, with little Flattop
in front of it
tapped with a wand
of technicolor grace.

Yes, this was rain. Intense rain, from afar.
Borrowed from those wetter than I,
for my personal visual delight.
Rain that circled my island
on three sides but barely landed.

Alex Shapiro

Posted over on her site Notes From the Kelp
Line breaks of Alex's incredible prose
by Glenn Buttkus.