image from
Cinemagenic Seventy-Three
Heart Tug
“Do no harm, open your heart--but take no shit”.
1(sound cue) banjo & harmonica.
2(medium close-up) Ryker searched for Bronson’s
face, but
3(cut to two-shot) Cash had already moved up
alongside Johnny: This horse is stone mean, breed
--even you can see that, right? It would not hurt, now
that he’s in my rotunda, to break some of that damn
pride of his.
The Eagle did not respond, keeping his intense gaze
on Ryker.
Cash: I want him broke in for Paulie, and you know
he’s not much of a horseman--this stallion has a
wagon load of too much spirit.
Johnny: But this is not the way.
4(medium close-up) Yes, he is a medicine horse. He
is strong, and he has great pride. But he was Nez
Pierce broke, and has been ridden in battle. I tell you
he would rather die, or he will kill one of you before
you break him with a whip or spurs.
5(close-up) Ryker: You damned flea-bitten squaw--
this horse needs to learn some respect. This ain’t
the first horse I ever broke--you know that. If you
don’t start out with him my way, he’ll be riding you
within a week.
6(sound cue) piano & Indian seed rattle.
7(two-shot) Johnny: I will do this--let me ride him:
more a statement than an inquiry.
Cash took a long look at the stallion. What will it
cost me for your services?
Johnny: About an hour.
8(medium wide shot) Cash: What do you think about
all this, Paulie?
Buck turned to gaze at the youngest brother. When
Paul recognized him, he froze for a second as a ripple
of fear passed over his face--but then realizing he was
safe, he smiled a pitiful crooked smile, and spoke in a
small voice: It don’t matter a damn to me who ends up
riding this fucking horse.
9(close-up) Chatawa bobbing his head, flashing
his angry eyes.
10(medium two shot) Graff watched the Eagle--
obviously still angry about his past humiliations,
his face reddening, he spat out: Mr. Bronson, if
this lice-assed halfbreed, says he’ll do it for
nothing--just let him. No sense in getting one of
our own crew busted up. Probably that damn
jughead is going to throw him over the fence,
and we’ll all get a good laugh out of it.
11(close-up) Cash: Alright, Johnny --we’ll try it
your way. Ryker, get your sad ass out of the corral.
12(sound cue) piano & banjo.
13(medium wide shot) Grumbling all the way,
Ryker dropped the blanket back over the sawhorse,
and tossed the whip into the dust, before crawling
up onto the rails.
14(sound cue) six-string blues slide.
15(two-shot) The Eagle asked as he dismounted
the gate, staring at the waiting stallion: Well, my
Buck, what do you say?
Buck: Sure, let’s get it done--as he opened the gate
and stepped into the corral.
16(sound cue) the old leather hinges on the gate,
and crowd murmuring over guitar chord.
17(cut to overhead crane shot) the whole corral,
as Johnny moves toward the dappled stud, and
rail riders were jockeying for better sight lines.
18(sound cue) saxophone & juice harp.
19(two shot) Johnny: Hey, my brave Chat-a-wa.
The stallion’s ears perked up, and he shook his
head yes--These people have been treating you
like an Army mule, haven’t they? Well, relax son,
for we’re here now, me and the buffalo. Do you
remember the buffalo? Chatawa nodded. So, are
you ready for a treat?
20(medium wide shot) Johnny dipped into a partial
bag of oats by the fence and strolled right up to the
stallion. Buck was three paces behind. The stud
flattened its ears and backed up.
21(sound cue) Indian branch flute.
Glenn Buttkus
Posted over at dVerse Poets Pub OLN