Monday, December 14, 2020


image from 


“People go through three conversions, the head, the

heart, and then the pocketbook.”--Martin Luther.

When we

moved into

our home

30 years ago,

we were pleased

our fireplace

was piggy-backed,

with a twin

in the basement.

Last year


we converted

our inglenook

to a gas insert,

and covered

the other


Now we


the wood smoke.

Glenn Buttkus


Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


Ingrid said...

Do you miss the woodsmoke, or was it a welcome conversion?

Linda Lee Lyberg said...

From a practical standpoint, this makes sense, but I would miss the smell of the fire. Our fire pit outside is now gas, so I bought incense to burn to give us that lovely scent!

brudberg said...

I can understand that... a wood stove is a lot of work... but still there is something special with wood... ours will stand unmoved for the time being.

Glenn Buttkus said...

Yes, personally, I miss the smell of burning wood, it is so primordial, so comforting--but my wife hated cleaning the rug, so she's very pleased with the conversion.

Jane Dougherty said...

It's not just the rug. Everything gets covered in ash and someone spends half his life chopping wood!

Sanaa Rizvi said...

There is something enchanting about the smell of burning wood isn't there? 💝 But I can understand why your wife is pleased with the conversion. Love the tone and pacing of this well constructed quadrille, Glenn! You have managed to create a fireplace that offers warmth to your readers right here! 💝

Ron. Lavalette said...

I agree with everyone: woodgas is better than gaswood for all of the reasons/complaints stated.
Nice work, Mr B.

indybev said...

At our previous home, we had a gas fireplace, but we have a firepit in the woods beside the house where we still enjoyed watching sparks fly skyward. We will miss the fire pit here in our new home. We will not, however, miss raking leaves and shoveling snow!

Helen said...

We have a gas fireplace .... however, I sorely miss wood burning fireplaces from years past. The smell of wood burning in a fireplace is delightful, the crackles and pops. (LOL, for me.)

Truedessa said...

I think it would be nice to have a fireplace but, I know they are a lot of work. On my retreats we always have a designated fire-keeper and the cabin is warm and cozy filled with dreamers.

JadeLi said...

This is the 2nd year since 2011 that I've used electric instead of wood. I have to keep it low because of the cost so I'm always cold. The wood head kept all rooms warm and that is what I miss. I may go back to wood next year if I can find a good supply of it. I don't mind the mess.

Kim M. Russell said...

I love the smell of wood smoke and heated metal, but wherever we go next, we may have to give up the log-burner, as they are no good for my asthma. Although there is a gas terminal not far from here that supplies most of the UK, we have no gas in our area!

Misky said...

Cleaning up the ashes is a most unpleasant job, so I'll side with your wife.

robkistner said...

Beautiful fireplace Glenn! Kathy and I had the same set up for the 25 years we lived in Oregon. Kath loved the smell of smoke in the house — but I celebrated when we moved here to Seattle (Kenmore). Now my son and daughter-in-law have a fireplace upstairs — and Kath and I are smoke-free!:)

lynn__ said...

As my husband and I dream of building a house, we debate over a wood or gas fireplace...appreciated this discussion, Glenn! said...

We had an electric fireplace that was warm and lovely to watch, but I wanted the smoky scent.