Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Last Will and Testament

Last Will and Testament

By now, of course, you realize that I have lost
the house keys again. Change the dictionary:
"bread" now means "book".

I forgot to laugh the last time we made love.
Tell Wovoka we never could dance that long.

What I have accomplished: enough faith to fill my mouth.
Bury a salmon with me.

I still don't know all the words to that song.
Cut your hair and hide the feathers for a year.

What I neglected: rivers.
Leave the television on while you sleep.

I take secrets with me.
Learn to speak to the Deaf.

Dollar bills are secreted between the pages of every book
on my shelf.
Drive my car until it runs out of gas and leave it
where it stops.

I shot an arrow blindly and hit forgiveness.
Keep fresh ice in the freezer.

The birds are not jealous of our thumbs.
Jitterbug: my father can teach you.

With each war, remember I would have opposed it.
Wear my old shirts to work.

Always, somewhere, a boy and girl is bouncing a basketball.
Pray in public places.

Tortilla chips and salsa.
Give my blankets to Indians with short hair.

Not once in my life did I ever want to get out of bed.
Sell our shared home and move into a new place.

I only seriously contemplated killing one person.
Turn the mirrors against the walls.

With all the metaphors in the world at your disposl,

Sherman Alexie...........from The Summer of Black Widows

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