Joy Harjo Wrote........
I read the quote: "We are not primitive. We live differently
to you, but we do not live exactly like our grandparents did,
nor do you" by Roy Sesana,
and this poem/prayer/song (draft) followed:
Oh beloved Sun and maker of Sun, may false beliefs wither
in your gaze though the slaves of these beliefs make banks
that touch the sky and give themselves seats of honor in the
churches, governments, and marketplaces. They fight for
dominion over the sweet minds of our children.
We stand with open hands in the arbor made of plants
and prayers, where we gather beneath your blessing light.
All night we journeyed with you, from dusk through twilight
to dawn, through loss and fear to celebration, accompanied
by the songs of insects and urges of other flying, singing ones.
We were joined, by the swaying of plants and winds as we
circled back to the beginning of the origin of fire,
and out again for energy, for renewal.
Make the path clear for the children who have witnessed
thousands of deaths, a sea of brutality, and troubling shame
between humans who love each other.
We all belong in that circle around the fire of your spirit.
We will dress ourselves in starlight, in sunlight, and pull
on our cowboy boots and shells, dresses
And suits, as we dance past the keepers of false beliefs.
We will raise our bent heads and accept the gifts
You have given us here on this earth though many appear broken,
or sad from loneliness or misuse.
How tender are the small winds moving about the surface
of the earth before sunrise.
c Joy Harjo May 19, 2006 Honolulu
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