Well, here it is folks, a whole new poetry sensation promulgated by Mr. Douglas Palmer. It is bold, simplistic, and hip.
I hereby announce that on this day April 17 2009, I, Douglas Clark Palmer invented Twit-ku, a poetry form using no more than 140 characters.
I promise to remember you when I'm famous.
Schizophrenic Meterology
Boots on
Saw out cable unwound and plugged in.
Rain - no wait- sun -
Migraine -
Back inside -
At least one of us -
Can make up his mind.
As a response to Anonomann on one posting, Doug wrote....
no it's from the latest on line time waster "Twitter".
Glenn claims that these latest short
posts were poems of a kind, so I started posting them on Twitter.
Time will tell, so never confide in it.
Remember gang--
There is always something hot, new, funny, and profane over on Feel Free To Laugh
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