Friday, November 20, 2009

Just Another Yesterday

Just Another Yesterday

It was a schoolday, like many others.
The sky was clear and blue
(sort of a light robins egg blue,
grayed out a bit) clear enough to make me
decide not to wear my gore-tex jacket
with the hood, which turned out to be
a bit of a mistake.
Just a little bit.

I wore a corduroy jacket
It had a missing button.
Still does.
Turned the collar up and closed the lapels.
Anyway, I had no reason to suspect that
the day would be any different
from any other day.

I had no inkling that earth changing events
might take place in my life.

No concept of the possibility of a major
sea change in my journey through
the rocks and swamps this poor bedraggled planet.

No precognition that I would be diverted
from my straight and narrow path
by the cruel exigencies of fate.

Imagine my surprise when none of this happened.
It won't be hard.
I wasn't surprised a bit.

Except for the change to light rain,
there was no drama at all.


Doug Palmer November 2009

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