Monday, November 7, 2022

Poem Finder

painting from

 Poem Finder

“The world is never the same once a good poem

is added to it.”--Dylan Thomas

Quite often, poetry hides in plain sight. It can squat

beneath clover, or coagulate on a fresh corpse. In

the street of the sky, night walks scattering poems.

It can camp alongside a red rock in a clear stream,

or under your dirty fingernails.

I found a poem once in a smoking pile of spent brass

cartridges, as well as in a puddle of oil on my garage

floor, and between the dull teeth of a hand saw, and

on the back of a peeled label from Bukowski’s beer,

and even in the spaces between the lines of a Rumi


I discovered a long poem deep within the rotting pulp

of a dragon’s tooth, and a short one in the damp folds

of Marilyn Monroe’s panties. I tell you, you can find

verse within a swarm of fireflies, or in the middle of

a squirming snake pit. 

Glenn Buttkus


Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


Ken / rivrvlogr said...

Ah, a poet who will never turn away inspiration! said...

Wow! You nver cease to amaze me, Glenn. That Marilyn Monroe line made me gasp...and then smile. Only you, Glenn, only you. WELL DONE! And yes....we do find poems in the most unusual places sometimes! Hope to see you at OLN LIVE Thursday! And hope you'll participate in Poetics turn up as pub tender :)

Ron. said...

One never knows, eh? Fine work, Glenn. Thanks

JadeLi said...

Glenn, it's funny how that works, but it works. Love your examples, esp. Buk's beer label. Glad to read you again, my friend.

Linda Lee Lyberg said...

Stunning Glenn- this is amazing!

robkistner said...

Wow! Full swing, and you knocked it out’ta’da park brother … going going gone! Loved this Glenn. Your perspective and approach was so free and unfettered. Imagination at full stride rounding the bases, heading home. The result was superb my friend! 🙂✌🏼❤️

dwru27 said...

You are true poet, Glenn! Your poem is exactly right... poetry is all around us waiting to be found and shared! Well done.

ben Alexander said...

AMAZING, Glenn! (gotta ask, though, where did you find a pair of her panties???)


Kim M. Russell said...

Thank you, Glenn, for the portrait and inspirational quote of one of my favourite poets, discovered as a child and never forgotten. You’re spot on about poetry hiding in plain sight and the places one can find it. I especially like the thought of ‘a long poem deep within the rotting pulp of a dragon’s tooth, and a short one in the damp folds of Marilyn Monroe’s panties’ – she wrote poetry too!

Merril D. Smith said...

So true, Glenn. Inspiration can come from anything and everywhere. Well done!

Angela said...

This is so beautiful although prose it felt like pure poetry and love that you included Dylan Thomas, strangely he features in my piece too :)

Kerfe said...

Poetry is, indeed, everywhere. As is true of most of life, though, we are largely oblivious to it.

brudberg said...

Indeed... poetry can be found everywhere, but sometimes when you search all around all you find is 💩

robkistner said...

Don’t know if you’ll see this my friend, but I’ve missed seeing you around dVerse. What’s up buddy, are you OK? Drop by my Image and Verse and just say hi, would love to hear from you.