Thursday, November 3, 2022

War Haters

image from 


“War does not determine who is right--only

who is left.”--Bertrand Russell.

Today war in Ukraine gets less press,

but nobody told the goddamn Russians.

They hire mercenary ex-convicts and thugs,

for assassinations, beheadings and rape.

Who will win is anybody’s guess,

though I hope to God it’s Ukraine.

Russians are deploying very young mugs,

barely covered by the Bear’s bloody cape.

Iranian drones create a murderous mess,

all soft targets killing thousands of civilians,

mantled in blood beetles and corpse bugs

too numerous to try to drape.

Ukraine needs more help, certainly not less,

Because for Putin, war is a drug.  

Glenn Buttkus

Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub MTB

11 comments: said...

First and GOOD to see you here, Glenn!
You rocked the form with a very important topic. Depending on results from November 8, I fear US will decide to cut funding to Ukraine....and many other disastrous domestic occurences. Where did we make a turn from Republicans like John McCain to Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker?
Heaven help us.

Ron. said...

Well you nailed the form perfectly, Brother, and I'm certainly in complete agreement with your stance. Glad to see you back. Salute.

robkistner said...

Yo dude! Nice to see your name again Glenn. Hope you are well brother!👍🏼 This is such a strong piece my friend. Both poignant and frustratingly sad. People would seem to have the mental ability to get past such bullshit — but greed, pride, and ego were unfortunately positioned higher than intellect on the “strangely-human-traits” chart. I fear, come the final count of the November 8th follies, this country may be waving goodbye to great experiment of democracy.

brudberg said...

You have been missed Glenn, glad to have you here, I love your poem... didn't know that it was less of Ukraine, here it certainly isn't... and we are way to close to war.

Merril D. Smith said...

Well done on the form and an important topic, Glenn. Let's hope for a big Blue win, or there will be no help for Ukraine.

Grace said...

Happy to read you again Glenn. I pray and hope for the best for the US and support for Ukraine. I still follow the news though and cheer them on!

Truedessa said...

I am happy to see you here! I was getting worried about you. Truly, I was. I hope the Ukraine can prevail, it's going to be a long rough winter, I fear.

Anonymous said...

Well said! ~Paula

paeansunplugged said...

Good to see you again, Glenn! You said it as it is...hard-hitting and the truth! Ukraine is certainly getting less coverage here too.

Reena Saxena said...

They program young minds by making them focus on the narrow. Those unfortunate mercenaries never see the broader picture which will show their folly.

Kerfe said...

Our attention span is so short, and so much is wrong in the world. But we cannot let Putin win.