Dying for Fear of Death
I wanted to say something about
the mist settling on the highway,
the semi's headlights fading away
like ghouls, rising like breath,
and then fading,
anything to snap her out of herself.
But she's always been afraid of death,
and in her inebriated state,
may well have careened
off the bridge, and added two more
to the number of things she feared.
I tell you this to emphasize
her character;
she was the sort who always let
her traveling
get in the way of the journey.
She was sulking, now,
as she flipped the blinker on
and coasted into the path
of an oncoming semi.
I could see the slogan "PAPERCO:
We deliver a better tomorrow"
just as my head slammed forward,
painting my thoughts
on the side of the night.
C.L. Bledsoe
Posted over on Mastodon Dentist
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