The Future of Blogging
Today, Miss Jannie Funster over on her blog Funsterland asked what we all thought about the future of blogging. I, obviously, feel that it has not begun to realize its potential. It has become a focal point in my universe. Doug Palmer felt differently:
On 24 July 2009 at 11:11 am Lane Savant said,
One dismal Wednesday evening,
blogging will step out
for a pack of cigarettes
and disappear
from the face of the earth.
Great wordsmithing here, but one hopes Palmer is still full of crap, and will not become the Nostradamus of Cyberland.
Wait a minute, Blogging doesn't even smoke!
.....Blogging's wife
Blogging actually is quite partial to Marlboro's.
... Blogging's Grandmother
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