Fresh as a scrubbed kitchen floor,
the face glances only occasionally
at its reflection, to remove bits
of bubblegum from the eyebrows.
It wears a small scar in the peach
fuzz above the lip, boomerang
of a pulley weight. Before
dancing cheek to hip with Kansas
and the breed, with eyes sore
from lack of sleep, this first edition
is a Hoosier tomboy, wiry, pixie-cut,
preferring cars and dinosaurs to pink,
except for Bazooka, week-old,
saved on the back of the headboard.
Now sun-aged, child-changed,
the bowlegged face stands proud
before the honesty of the cracked
mirror on the bathroom door
and dreams of chewing gum kisses,
white sheets, and an acanthus leaf tattoo.
Tess Kincaid
Posted over on her site Willow Manor
Listed as #15 on Magpie Tales 37
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