Garrison Keillor reminds us that today is special:
It's the birthday of the man who said, "Art is a lie that makes us realize truth." That's Pablo Picasso, born in Malaga, Spain (1881), who helped found the Cubist movement. His paintings include Guernica (1937), set amidst the Spanish Civil War, and Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, (The Young Ladies of Avignon) (1907), which features five naked ladies in a brothel in Barcelona. That painting now hangs at New York City's MOMA.
My postings are prodigious, so it is difficult to recall
exactly, but I think on this day last year we gave a
shout out to Pablo. No matter, another shout is
Yo, Pablo!! You rocked. And your paintings still do!
Yes, any time, good that you honour him.
Neither conductor in my post celebrates an anniversary
today, they were just ready to take a bow.
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