Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Fascist Follies

image from detroitmetotimes.com

 Fascist Follies

“The fool has said in his heart; there is no God.”

--Psalm 14:1

It is folly to

trust herd immunity to

defeat Covid-19.

--Glenn Buttkus

Sometimes one likes a

fool for their folly, rather

than those with wisdom.

--Elizabeth Gaskell

Trump is the mad king

who surrounds himself with a

thousand fools for comfort.

--Glenn Buttkus

The author who writes for

fools only, will assure himself

of a large audience.

--Arthur Schopenhauer

Worse than mere fools, these

Trumpers are morons and idiots,

and they’re proud of it.

--Glenn Buttkus

There is no fire like

passion, no shark like hatred, and 

no snare like folly.

--Siddharta Gautama

I was a fool for 

love at fifteen, ten times in

my sophomore year.

--Glenn Buttkus

A heathen is a

person who has the folly

to believe in facts.

--Ambrose Bierce

Yes, it’s folly to

just count on polls to be your

voting guideposts.

--Glenn Buttkus

If you shield men from

the effects of folly, you

fill the world with fools.

--Herbert Spencer

When the President

is a damn fool, how to you

expect him to act?

--Glenn Buttkus

Experience keeps

a dear school, but fools will learn

scarcely no other.

--Benjamin Franklin

There was a time when

I was foolish enough to want

success in the Arts.

--Glenn Buttkus

The highest form of

bliss is living with a certain

degree of folly.


Folly is as folly

does, pants down, eyes shut, letting

it all hang out.

--Glenn Buttkus

I will tear this folly

from my heart, though every fiber

bleeds as I rent it.

--Walter Scott

The choice to be a

fool is yours; it is folly to 

believe in intangibles.

--Vera Nazarian

Glenn Buttkus

Renga: collaborative haiku

Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


robkistner said...

This is killer brother! I love what you pulled from the wisdom of ages. I also love the fact that every other punch is in pumpkinheads gut. Well written and I enjoyed reading it, thanks Glenn!

JadeLi said...

Glenn, I love your renga collaboration. The bell tolling folly's truths. That first one, about "herd immunity" has me wondering what idiot started promoting the catch phrase. Let me guess... You've captured the facets of folly with a diamond-cutter's precision. Bravo!

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Whoooossssh!💝 This is absolutely fantastic and reads like an ongoing conversation. It feels like both emotion and wisdom is being passed on. Love this!

Ingrid said...

You really went to town with this prompt and you pulled it off with aplomb! Unfortunately we are living in an era of global folly...

Kim M. Russell said...

You’ve done it again, Glenn! What a collaboration, from so many voices, and so well mixed. It does indeed feel like a dialogue, with you at its heart. We are all fools at some time or other, but knowing that, we can’t trust an old idiot to run one of the most powerful countries in the world. American politics needs young(er) blood, real politicians who understand the world.

Kerfe said...

You are a master of this form Glenn. The cumulative effect of each quote explodes in truth.

brudberg said...

Bring it on... so much fun, but I fear that the president is no fool... he is really evil.

Mary Hood said...

"The foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men and the weakness of God is stronger than men." (1 Corinthians 1:25)
Just to add another quote to your list.

Camila P said...

Thank yoou for sharing this