Sunday, July 12, 2009

Firecracker Girl Turns One

Rick Mobbs over on his blogsite Mine Enemy Grows Older , after a several month hiatus working hard as an art designer/painter on a film set in New Mexico, has returned--to the delight of his many cyber pals, family, and friends. His daughter, Ada, has just turned one. His opening prose is pregnant with poetry; as is his way. I present it to you with pride.


Firecracker Girl Turns One

She is a fierce and funny newcomer,
strong and determined.
The universe is her home, and for now,
we are her country.

Who knows where these kids will go,
what they will see, what they will do?
We follow our imperative and they fight
their way in. We bear, feed, clothe, nurture,
protect and educate them.
We love and would die for them.

Time will tell us who they are
and why they have come.
Whatever they become,
whatever their tasks or missions are to be,
whatever joys or sorrows come to them,
they will always be our children.

They say the beggar supplicates,
but the son and daughter appropriate.
Appropriate away, children.
Broadus has claimed half my studio
as his birthright.
What happens when Ada claims her share?
Or Jason, the grown son, carrying his weight now,
and with children of his own?
We all move over a little, and make room.
I hope they like our music.

Happy 4th (now 5th) of July, everyone,
and Happy Birthday, Ada Corinna Meridian Swinton.

Rick Mobbs

Artist, Poet, Writer, Father, Husband, Friend.
Line breaks by Glenn Buttkus

1 comment:

rick said...

Glenn, you know how to bring out the best. I read this with new eyes. thanks. It's good to be back.