Monday, September 5, 2011

Love Hurts: Scene Two

image borrowed from bing

Love Hurts: Scene Two

Cinemagenic Two


1(medium shot) large coiled rattlesnake shaking its tail.
2(sound cue) Indian snake rattle duet with castanets.
3snake’s head (close up) reptile-cold eyes, darting tongue.
4(medium shot) woman with arm and hand shading her eyes
staring in the direction of the distant dust cloud.
5(sound cue) acoustic guitar chord; repeated thrice.
6(tight close up) woman’s eyes, tense with frustration and fear.
7(close up) young girl’s face.
8daughter: mama?
9(hold shot on child as woman replies)
10woman: yes, dear.
11daughter: do we have to stay here tonight?
12(sound cue) jazz drummer playing brushes.
13(close up) woman’s mouth, luscious lower lip pulled in tight
to upper lip.
14(two shot over child’s shoulder)
15woman: No, Heather, someone is coming right now, and I think
they will give us a ride.
16(insert shot) red and white gila monster lizard (tight medium shot)
scampers between sage brush.
17(sound cue) sibilant hissss.
18(two shot) mother and daughter (hold for dialogue)
19daughter: mama?
20woman: what?
21(sound cue) cello playing sadly behind dialogue.
22daughter: I’m hungry.
23woman: I know, baby, me too, but it won’t be much longer.
24daughter: mama?
25(medium close up) woman’s blank stare.
26daughter: Tony is hungry too.
27(close up) child is holding up her stuffed tiger; one eyed, frayed ears.
28daughter: Is Bob going to catch us?
29(sound cue) Indian snake rattle shaken hard.
30woman:, he will not find us, or ever hurt us again.
30(medium close up) woman squeezing the child’s hand.
31(sound cue) a long slide on a six string blues guitar.

Glenn Buttkus

September 2011

Listed as #42 over on Magpie Tales 81

Would you like the author to read this poem to you?


Brian Miller said...

hot...great tension build scene...and continuation from last week...

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh, the Tony part nearly made me cry...I'm enjoying this series, Glenn. Nice.

Ron Boothe said...

Poetic Screenplay
Reads like extended Haiku
Thanks to Glenn Buttkus

Rob Kistner said...

These are very engaging for me, perhaps because I have a rich and wholly indulged imagination, and a very strong tendency towards and reaction to the visual -- in addition, 'sound' has played a huge part in my entire life... good stuff, enjoyable Glenn

Jim Robbins said...

Snake, rattle and roll

Fist Bob 's punching bags
Never to be hurt again
Slide guitar drops key.


Brian Miller said...

it really is great going back through this story and remembering how much i enjoyed it....nice tension and hold on the emotions in this...

vivinfrance said...

This is sooo frustrating. Dribs and drabs of a story, I mean. When can I go and see the film?

Anonymous said...

Is that acoustic guitar chord a major or - as I strongly suspect - a minor?

Love the details in your writing, Glenn. Looking forward to the next installment.

Claudia said...

a felt piece and you made it so easy for us to really see the the rattlesnake inclusion, the details like the cello and jazz