Monday, August 8, 2022

Typebar Gems

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Typebar Gems

“There is a similarity between juggling and

composing on a typewriter.”--Tom Robbins.


words in longhand

become typeable.


three weeks

I have infusions

of allotypes.

As an individual

I have been

called a holotype.

As actor

I was mostly



genetic determinants

are idiotypes.


d’Verse poetry

is first typeset,

then lunar-bound.

Glenn Buttkus


Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub


paeansunplugged said...

Brilliant, Glenn! Love the wordplay.

De Jackson said...

What fun, Glenn! To the moon and beyond!

JadeLi said...

Glenn, you hooked me with Tom Robbins, one of my favorite authors (along with Chuck Palahniuk, both of whom live out in your neck of the woods. Is there something in the water out there?)

You are a man of many aspects and a richly textured human being. Always enjoyable to read what you see and I think you are in one of those anthologies going to the moon, yes?

Not sure what those infusions are that you get every 3 weeks. I hope your body is doing well, my friend.

rogblog666 said...

great word play Glen

Ain - Ужгород said...

Hope you are alright Glen mate, your verse lays it bare as well as playing with words, and one can see the warrior of past times, the troubador's salut, between the lines...

K.Hartless said...

Tickles my fancy, Glen. Well done.

Arcadia Maria said...

Great word play in this piece. Nicely done poem.

robkistner said...

A helluvalot said herein brother. Loved the variety, depth and poignancy you brewed out of just 44 words. Sorry about the immunoglobulin regimen Glenn, but we gotta do what we gotta do to be where we wanna be — I know it well my friend. I got silly with my 44.

Carol Congalton said...

Well said Glenn!

Truedessa said...

Lunar bound - your words will take off into space.

Nitin said...

I loved your use of the prompt. Brilliant!

Jane Dougherty said...

Clever and honest 'Know thyself' You obviously do.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Hi Glen!
Who says it's okay to only use the "word" once?!! You put me to shame. Love the little Quadrille.

Merril D. Smith said...

Many types and lunar-bound indeed!

Mish said...

You rocked the quad word. I'm "feeling some type of way" as the young ones say, about our dVerse writings going to the moon. Absolutely ecstatic, as an old one would say. I agree with Ain, that you share much between the lines in this one. Take care, Glenn.

Marion Horton said...

Haha - great smorgasbord of types. And enjoyed the image of our words floating beyond this realm.

ben Alexander said...

three weeks
I have infusions
of allotypes."

I simply adore this stanza, Glenn. I mean, the whole poem is really good, but, wow, that particular stanza, seriously...

Much love,
David [ben Alexander]