The Long War Bretheren
Trapped in a war we cannot win
A Vietnam all over again,
Who shall we blame for the mess we’re in:
Rummy’s “Long War” bretheren.
These paper warriors in secret places
Did scheme with Messianic ardor
said “What we need is a new Pearl Harbor”
before which, Sanity herself would cower.
This is not a grab for oil or bases;
This is a naked grab for Power
On 9/11 the attack began
That launched the “War of Mass Deception”,
Falling in step like a Pentagon plan,
Then blaming it all on Afghanistan.
This way, there could be no objection
When Bin laden escaped, we’d go after Saddam.
They’ll build for their America, once proud democracy,
A chain of gulags in a land once free,
No longer waiting for Bin Laden’s capture,
Instead we await the “Day of Rapture”.
“Let the Winners take it All”, our neo-tyrants preach,
Enough of Iraq-Nam! George Bush must be Impeached!
by Peter Lugten
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