"...one who exploits, or busies himself with, something in a sordid or petty way..." Century Dictionary, p. 1083
So there is only family life and war mongering
left, and economic development.
Down through time and space we have eliminated
the soul and art (now reduced to cartoons).
We have eliminated handmade and hand calculation.
Mongering has become our sole activity.
Do not dare to create unless it can be sold.
Breed, breed children, recommend the Republicans,
with their war-mongering, white, Yale savage
in the White House. We know what that means:
cannon-fodder -- can't be righteously at eternal
war without a good supply of stalwart boys.
Can't look in God's eye, call him our own
unless we have sons to sacrifice,
foreigners' blood to pour on our Nasdaqian
altars. After all, their lives are meaningless.
Jan Haag
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