By Dan Mager
It is mourning in America
emerging epilogue to our 21st century Crusade
to remove malignancies
misdiagnosed by true believers
masquerading as physician experts
who know not what they do.
Mendacious manipulations confuse fear-based fictions with facts,
cherrypicking validation, eschewing 2nd opinions,
denying 1400 years of history
in designing a treatment plan built on scripted groupthink
& delusions of global grandeur
diverting attention from missions that could be accomplished.
Surgery performed on the cheap
by those who play doctor on Sunday morning talk shows
rips open ancient wounds
inviting real malignancy to spread.
Puncturing this paradigm of duplicitous doublespeak
where death defines progress
we mourn the loss of lives, limbs, loved ones, lucidity & liberty
while we’re beseeched to shop and trust uncritically
and Mideast sands turn blood red.
Powell’s Pottery Barn Rule self-fulfills,
the code has been called, the crash cart surges in
now that the flatline glows in the dark;
the perpetrators & their minions
desperate to resuscitate the deceased
doggedly continue CPR, refusing to call time of death.
We mourn for America.
by Dan Mager
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