image from
“Eyes are the window to the soul, especially if they
are bloodshot.”--Curtis Jackson.
you awaken
to a damn stye
in either eye
one must not
dab at it.
A formidable
could ensue.
Always irritating,
a stye can
force you into
an emotional
to the ophthalmologist,
and get that
unreadable prescription
for eye drops.
Glenn Buttkus
Posted over at d'Verse Poet's Pub
Excellent incorporation of all those 'dabs' into your Quadrille, Glenn! Eye infections can be pretty nasty...
Ha! I love all your sneaky dabblings here, Glenn.
Ouch... I had to google stye... and it didn't bring me comfort...
Clever use of dab. The stye situation doesn't sound fun.
This is brilliantly executed, Glenn!💝 I agree, one should never dab when dealing with a stye.
Adept use of "dab" scattered throughout. Bravo
LauDABle work indeed, Mr B.
Oh, ow! This one made my toes curl. I used to get styes as a child, and my mother would pop them with a sewing needle. It's a wonder I still can see.
Oh, so clever. CommenDABle, even.
Very interesting response to the prompt
Happy Monday
Those things hurt! I never was good with eye drops always missing my eye. lol..
a dab hand at incorporating the prompt at several levels ... haven't had a sty in ages.
I love that opening quote. Hey wanted to let you know I have 3 books from Buk coming my way from the library, one about cats, one about drinking, and I forgot what the 3rd one is about. P.S. Is your character in your cinemagenic named him???
Named AFTER him I meant.
I enjoyed this sound advice. I promise I won't touch it! 👏
so clever!
Good advice and I admire anyone who can administer eyedrops to themselves!
I’ve been there – nasty things styes! One of the reasons I gave up contact lenses. Although I’ve never been tempted to dab. 😊
Ingenious! Being one who was always prone to styes, trying to get that ointment into my're captured it very well. About three months ago I ordered from some catalogue these eye covers....kind of like what people cover their eyes with when they want to sleep on a plane....but they're electric and meant for people who have dry eyes and problems with styes. You plug it in, put the eye covers on your eyes, they're on an elastic band that you adjust and put round the back of your head to hold them on (although I lie down with them) and then they heat up for exactly 20 minutes. I do it every morning as soon as I wake up. At the end of 20 minutes, you take them off and then, without opening your eyes, gently with one finger, "massage" - not the right word - start at top of eyelid and gently, touching eyelind, move finger from top to do this across the eye. This "expresses the oils" in the underside of your eyelid. Heat feels GREAT and this has really worked for me. No more styes or sore eyes!!! But - your post sure resonates! Probably TMI ...but just in case you suffer from styes....this treatment works to prevent them!
I love the way you spattered words with 'dab' throughout your quadrille Glenn.
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