Monday, September 20, 2021


image from


“Scientists now believe that the primary biological

function of breasts is to make males stupid.”

--Dave Barry.

For a man,

there should be

a lot of pauses

during lovemaking.

I always

detested those

selfish arrogant

lunkheads who,

after a kiss

to the forehead,


for their zipper.


I linger

at the first glimpse

of breasts.


thrills me more.

Glenn Buttkus


Posted over at d'Verse Port's Pub


Linda Lee Lyberg said...

Ahhh, so you're a breast man!

indybev said...

For some the kiss on the forehead, for some the breast, for some the toes .... ah, so many triggers!!

robkistner said...

I love to watch my love leaving — I follow closely, swooning!

Gillena Cox said...

😁😁😁 the Dave Barry quote got me some loud giggles.
And, Your wife is a luck lady


Tricia said...

The Chichis deserve some applause! 👏👏

JadeLi said...

The human body is beautiful, it should be appreciated more than it is.

My kids used to watch anime where one of the female characters was named Chichi. It was only later that I learned what Chichi meant.

Ingrid said...

I love the opening quote! I have to say, having observed male behaviour over the decades, that I agree.

Merril D. Smith said...

I feel like maybe I know more about you now than I should, Glenn! 😀

Did you know I wrote a book, Cultural Encyclopedia of the Breast? It actually got reviewed in Playboy.

paeansunplugged said...

That is a fantastic quote and men do what they do!

brudberg said...

There is always so much to appreciate... I think that the nape of the ears before I reached for any zipper of breast.

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Ah, if only more men catered to the notion! This is gorgeously rendered 💝💝

ben Alexander said...

More into arms and legs myself ��

Unknown said...

I love you for exposing yourself may you dance forever