Ever notice when you lean your bicycle
up against a brick wall in the late afternoon
when the sun wants to French kiss metal—
the deep dark shadow from the front tire
creates a heart as it meets itself
where sidewalk collides with wall?
Puts me in mind of a simpler time
when a bicycle had gender
and the fat tires had tubes in them.
Those bikes had one speed,
varying only with the strength
in your legs and the terrain.
Yeah, back in those bad old 50’s
when boomers rode their first vehicles,
we did so bravely; without helmets.
Remember those rich kids who had to ride
English racers, with 3-speeds,
narrow-assed seats
and funny looking handlebars?
My blue collar bike had white wall tires
and a saddle bag for my tuna sandwiches
and heavy school books.
Man, I was the coolest.
What the hell happened to that kid?
Glenn Buttkus November 2010
Listed as #14 over on Magpie Tales 42
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"when the sun wants to French kiss metal"...what a sizzling line!
Wonderful piece. I had a love affair with a bicycle once. Thanks for the memories.
I was going to pick out the same line as Willow, I enjoyed this Magpie.
I dont know why but I was humming Bruce Springsteen by the end of it.
We were all so brave once, I agree.
I too love that line "when the sun wants to French kiss metal" --just so great! I love this tribute to the good ole days!
I would have loved to experience those simpler times!
Even my bike in the early seventies was simpler. It was purple with a big banana seat white basket and long handle bars!
"what the hell happened to that kid?" you ask....
That kid grew up to be a cool boomer! I mean, after all, he's on the internet, has a blog, and writes very cool poems!
If this young generation could learn to ride a bike they'd be cool too!
great post- I too loved my bicycle!
and riding anywhere I wanted!
Really fun one - I loved it all. Thanks for the smiles. The French kiss was the best!
That's keen observation of the "heart shape" where the tire met it's shadow. What happened to that kid? Maybe he transmuted into Lance Armstrong. Wonder if Lance trained on tuna sandwiches?
(N.B English racers have "tyres")
Great memories!
shifting with the winds
I had the girliest of girl bikes! Thanks for the memories .......
We all had that bike once, or one very much like it.
He's still inside.
love the open line,
fabulous tale.
My Magpie
has some awards/treats in it, have fun and enjoy the blog love.
get back on your bike and ride...tuna optional
I think he's still there...Those were the days...
Many good things in your poem, Glenn! PLUS . . it was part of the inspiration for my #42. (In youth I owned, and was, and "English racer")
I still ride a bike with the girls sometimes!
Kept that one with the funny looking handle bars for 20+ years, then when I let it go, it drove me nuts and had to get one of these new fangled things. Miss the uni I had also. Great memories! Great was the freedom!
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