I stand on the start line...
think "This race is mine",
Last runner in the relay squad...
heart-racing, feeling odd,
Yes, here she's coming...
grab the sash, start running,
What do you think about for all those miles?
Down the hill, round the first bend,
Twenty-three steep steps to climb,
Straight path that will soon end,
A water stop - so soon?
Grab a sponge, soak my head,
Keep running, steady breathing,
Legs pounding, face bright red,
Am I going the right way?
Haven't seen anyone yet,
First person just in sight,
Push harder, target set ...
Overtake - repeat - overtake - repeat!
Cheers from the crowd... getting so loud,
Dig deep, this part is steep,
Finish line is just ahead, stretch,
Yes! Now Stop. Dead!
"It's not the winning that counts,
it's the taking part"
That's rubbish!
That's what no-one who has ever won a race says!
The cups are all old, tarnished now,
all packed away, hidden from scornful eyes -
but every now and again I take them out
and relive my past glories ...
Jane Healy
aka madamebutterfly
1 comment:
Glenn thank you very much - a self ondulgent vainity this week, but I enjoyed it!
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