While God and his devotees are getting stuffed
On coalition soldiers and charboiled Afghanis,
Edible young souls, eyeballs juiced in gnarly heads,
That age-old cannibalistic bash we can't ever erase,
How are the home fires smoldering?
Dumb-shits go forth into preXmas malls n' plazas
Packing their wallets with never-never cards of blue
for Macy's, Saks, Target and Liquor Stores of glug,
Consuming crazy as Blimpy Big Brother endorses,
Go-Getting in line for the Black Friday on-rush,
Hustling to the shops for giftmass intoxication
Ready for the next carnal festivity, puffed up
With ownership Pride and soft-sold satisfaction.
David Gilmour
November 2010
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