The Reservation Cab Driver
waits outside the Breakaway Bar
in the '65 Malibu with no windshield.
It's a beer a mile. No exceptions.
He picks up Lester FallsApart
who lives in the West End
twelve miles away; good for a half rack.
When Congress raised the minimum wage
the reservation cab driver upped his rates
made it a beer and a cigarette each mile.
HUD evicted him
so he wrapped himself in old blankets
and slept in the front seat of his cab.
When the BIA rescinded his benefits
he added a can of commodities for every mile.
Seymour climbed in the cab
said, this is a hell of a pony.
Ain't no pony, the reservation cab driver
said, it's a car.
During the powwow, he works 24 hours a day
gets paid in quilts, beads, fry bread, firewood.
3 a.m., he picks up Crazy Horse hitchhiking.
Where are you going, asks the reservation cab driver.
Same place you are, Crazy Horse answers
somewhere up the goddamn road.
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