All right! a Ride!!
Not raining.
Streets bare.
More Or Less.
If I'm going to get a ride This Month.
This is IT!
The window is closing.
Not a great ride
Just 5 or so around the top of the hill
around here.
Around here the top of one hill
is just the bottom of another.
Stump puller gear set most of the trip.
Some hills you kill.
Some hills kill you.
Found some sort of geographical apex near Skyway
Aptly named, Skyway.
Found the Chief Sealth trail.
Nice blacktop.
Smooth curvy path.
One of the hills that killed me.
Tires flinging,
No Salt.
Jacket, Jeans, and socks in the wash.
As we -
Distance 7.3 miles,
Average speed 7.3 miles per hour,
Riding time 59:35,
Maximum speed 29.5,
Odometer 1131 miles,
Temperature 45 degrees.
Just a little ride,
but I'm amused by it's presumption.
As I'm sure it is by mine.
Not very fast, but mostly uphill.
My shoes are wet too.
Doug Palmer After the snow began to melt, after Christmas 2008
Ah yes, Fidelio (Doug's bike) ain't afraid of no snow, or no slush. Glad you didn't fall down. Those skinny tires don't have much bite on ice and in slush. Didn't realize you could get to Skyway from your place. Overlooking our valley, up by Bonny Lake, there is an area called Sky Island that is cool too.
Skyway is not far from here.
It pretends to be the top of the hill
but if you go a little south and
west, around Beacon ave,there are more hills.
Steep ones too.
You think this is any fun for me?
Sure I like the speed of the downhill bits.
But having Lane's sweaty butt pumping away on my gel-filled saddle is not exactly my version of heaven.
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