Sitting Bull - Teton Sioux
When I was a boy, the Sioux owned the world. The sun rose
and set in their land; they sent ten thousand men into battle.
Where are the warriors today? Who slew them?
Where are our lands? Who owns them?
What white man can say I ever stole his land or a penny
of his money? Yet they say I am a thief.
What white woman, however lonely, was ever captive or insulted
by me? Yet they say I am a bad Indian.
What white man has ever seen me drunk ?
Who has ever come to me hungry and left me unfed ? Who has ever
seen me beat my wives or abuse my children?
What law have I broken?
Is it wrong of me to love my own? Is it wicked for me
because my skin is red? Because I am a Sioux? Because I
was born where my father lived? Because I would die
for my people and my country?
Sitting Bull - Teton Sioux
If the Great Spirit has desired me to be a white man
he would have made me so in the first place. He put in
your heart certain wishes and plans; in my heart
he put other and different desires.
Each man is good in the sight of the Great Spirit. It is not
necessary for eagles to be crows. Now we are poor but we are
free. No white man controls our footsteps. If we must die,
we die defending our rights.
Sitting Bull - Teton Sioux
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