No one has ever affected me quite as much as this dark lord, this Judiac Zen poet, Leonard Cohen. They have called Bob Dylan a poet, but his lines pale when compared to the overwhelming tower of Cohen. Between 1974 and 1977 I lived in Hollywood, and I was actor; which is another way of saying I was unemployed a lot, and at liberty most of the time. A couple of times a year I used to drive up to Spokane to see my grandfather, and then I would swing over to Seattle to crash with old friends and to check out the scene. On the highway, my 73' Chev Impala SS convertible, 396 with factory Hearst 4-speed, would burn up those steel belts passing Jaguars and Cadillacs, screaming up the freeway with my top down, playing my multiple tapes of Leonard Cohen. I wept. I smiled. I grew humble on moment, and stood like a collossus the next. For those of you who want a treat, see the new film, I'M YOUR MAN, where Cohen is interviewed, and there is a big tribute concert to him, for him. It will blow your socks off. Following are some of my favorite of his song lyrics, the words that transported me up and down I-5 safely.
SuzanneSongs 1968
Suzanne takes you down
to her place near the river
you can hear the boats go by
you can spend the night beside her
And you know that she's half crazy
but that's why you want to be there
and she feeds you tea and oranges
that come all the way from China
And just when you mean to tell her
that you have no love to give her
she gets you on her wavelength
and she lets the river answer
that you've always been her lover
And you want to travel with her
you want to travel blind
and you know that she can trust you
for you've touched her perfect body
with your mind.
And Jesus was a sailor
when he walked upon the water
and he spent a long time watching
from his lonely wooden tower
and when he knew for certain
only drowning men could see him
he said All men will be sailors then
until the sea shall free them
but he himself was broken
long before the sky would open
forsaken, almost human
he sank beneath your wisdom like a stone
And you want to travel with him
you want to travel blind
and you think maybe you'll trust him
for he's touched your perfect body
with his mind
Now Suzanne takes your hand
and she leads you to the river
she is wearing rags and feathers
from Salvation Army counters
And the sun pours down like honey
on our lady of the harbour
And she shows you where to look
among the garbage and the flowers
There are heroes in the seaweed
there are children in the morning
they are leaning out for love
they will lean that way forever
while Suzanne holds the mirror
And you want to travel with her
you want to travel blind
and you know that you can trust her
for she's touched your perfect body
with her mind
The Stranger Song 1968
It's true that all the men you knew were dealers who said they were through
with dealing every time you gave them shelter. I know that kind of man. It's
hard to hold the hand of anyone who's reaching for the sky just to surrender.
And sweeping up the jokers that he left behind you'll find he did not leave
you very much not even laughter. Like any dealer he was watching for
the card that is so high and wild he'll never need to deal another. He was just
some Joseph looking for a manger.
And then leaning on your window-sill he'll say one day you caused his will
to weaken with your love and warmth and shelter. And taking from his
wallet an old schedule of trains, he'll say, I told you when I came I was a
But now another stranger seems to want you to ignore his dreams, as
though they were the burden of some other. You've seen that man before,
his golden arm dispatching cards, but now it's rusted from the elbows to
the finger. And he wants to trade the game he plays for shelter. He wants to
trade the game he knows for shelter.
You hate to see another tired man lay down his hand, like he was giving up
the Holy Game of Poker. And while he talks his dreams to sleep, you notice
there's a highway that is curling up like smoke above his shoulder.
You tell him to come in, sit down, but something makes you turn around.
The door is open. You cannot close your shelter. You try the handle of the
road. It opens. Do not be afraid. It's you, my love, it's you who are
the stranger.
I've been waiting. I was sure we'd meet between the trains we're waiting for,
I think it's time to board another. Please understand I never had a secret
chart to get me to the heart of this, or any other matter. Well, he talks like
this, you don't know what he's after. When he speaks like this, you don't
care what he's after.
Let's meet tomorrow if you choose, upon the shore, beneath the bridge,
that they are building on some endless river. Then he leaves the platform
for the sleeping car that's warm, you realize, he's only advertising one more
shelter. And it comes to you, he never was a stranger. And you say, "OK,
the bridge, or someplace later."
And then sweeping up the jokers that he left behind, you find he did not
leave you very much, not even laughter. Like any dealer he was watching
for the card that is so high and wild he'll never need to deal another. He
was just some Joseph looking for a manger.
And leaning on your window-sill, he'll say one day you caused his will to
weaken with your love and warmth and shelter. And then taking from his
wallet an old schedule of trains he'll say, I told you when I came I was a
Sisters of Mercy 1968
All the Sisters of Mercy
they are not departed or gone
They were waiting for me
when I thought that I just can't go on
And they brought me their comfort
and later they brought me this song
Oh I hope you run into them
you who've been travelling so long
You who must leave everything
that you cannot control
It begins with your family
but soon it comes round to your soul
I've been where you're hanging
I think I can see where you're pinned
When you're not feeling holy
your loneliness tells you you've sinned
They lay down beside me
I made my confession to them
They touched both my eyes
and I touched the dew on their hem
If your life is a leaf
that the seasons tear off and condemn
they will bind you with love
that is graceful and green as a stem
When I left they were sleeping
I hope you run into them soon
Don't turn on the light
You can read their address by the moon
And you won't make me jealous
if I hear that they sweetened your night
We weren't lovers like that
and besides it would still be all right
Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye -- 1968
I loved you in the morning
Our kisses deep and warm
Your hair upon the pillow
Like a sleepy golden storm
Many loved before us
I know that we are not new
In city and in forest
They smiled like me and you
But now it's come to distances
And both of us must try
Your eyes are soft with sorrow
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye
I'm not looking for another
As I wander in my time
Walk me to the corner
Our steps will always rhyme
You know my love goes with you
As your love stays with me
It's just the way it changes
Like the shoreline and the sea
But let's not talk of love or chains
And things we can't untie
Your eyes are soft with sorrow
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye
I loved you in the morning
Our kisses deep and warm
Your hair upon the pillow
Like a sleepy golden storm
Yes many loved before us
I know that we are not new
In city and in forest
They smiled like me and you
But let's not talk of love or chains
And things we can't untie
Your eyes are soft with sorrow
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye
So Long, Marianne -- 1968
Come over to the window, my little darling
I'd like to try to read your palm
I used to think I was some kind of gypsy boy
before I let you take me home
So long, Marianne
it's time that we began
to laugh and cry and cry and laugh
about it all again
You know I love to live with you
but you make me forget so very much
I forget to pray for the angels
and then the angels forget to pray for us
We met when we were almost young
deep in the green lilac park
You held on to me like I was a crucifix
as we went kneeling through the dark
Your letters they all say that you're beside me now
Then why do I feel alone
I'm standing on a ledge and your fine spider web
is fastening my ankle to a stone
For now I need your hidden love
I'm cold as a new razor blade
You left when I told you I was curious
I never said that I was brave
O you are really such a pretty one
I see you've gone and changed your name again
And just when I climbed this whole mountainside
to wash my eyelids in the rain
So long, Marianne
it's time that we began
to laugh and cry and cry and laugh
about it all again
Bird On A Wire -- 1969
Like a bird on the wire
Like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free
Like a worm on a hook
Like a knight from some old-fashioned book
I have saved all my ribbons for thee
If I have been unkind
I hope that you can just let it go by
If I have been untrue
I hope you know it was never to you
Like a baby stillborn,
Like a beast with his horn
I have torn everyone who reached out for me
But I swear by this song
And by all that I have done wrong
I will make it all up to thee
I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch
He said to me "You must not ask for so much"
And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door
She cried to me "Hey, why not ask for more?"
Like a bird on the wire
Like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free
Famous Blue Raincoat -- 1971
It's four in the morning, the end of December. I'm writing you now just to
see if you're better. New York is cold but I like where I'm living. There's
music on Clinton Street all through the evening. I hear that you're building
your little house deep in the desert. You're living for nothing now. I hope
you're keeping some kind of record. Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of
your hair. She said that you gave it to her the night that you planned to go
clear. Did you ever go clear?
The last time we saw you you looked so much older. Your famous blue
raincoat was torn at the shoulder. You'd been to the station to meet every
train but then you came home without Lili Marlene. And you treated my
woman to a flake of your life. And when she came back she was nobody's
wife. I see you there with the rose in your teeth, one more thin gypsy thief.
Well, I see Jane's awake. She sends her regards.
And what can I tell you my brother my killer? What can I possibly say? I
guess that I miss you. I guess I forgive you. I'm glad that you stood in my
way. If you ever come by here for Jane or for me, I want you to know that
your enemy is sleeping. I want you to know that his woman is free. Yes,
and thanks for the trouble you took from her eyes. I thought it was there for
good, so I never tried.
And Jane came by with a lock of your hair. She said that you gave it to her
that night that you planned to go clear.
Sincerely, L. Cohen.
Chelsea Hotel #2
New Skin For The Old Ceremony -- 1974
I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel,
you were talking so brave and so sweet;
giving me head on the unmade bed,
while the limousines wait in the street.
Those were the reasons, and that was New York,
we were running for the money and the flesh;
And that was called love for the workers in song,
probably still is for those of them left.
But you got away, didn't you, baby,
you just turned your back on the crowd.
You got away, I never once heard you say:
"I need you, I don't need you,
I need you, I don't need you," --
and all of that jiving around.
I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel,
you were famous, your heart was a legend.
You told me again you preferred handsome men,
but for me you would make an exception.
And clenching your fist for the ones like us
who are oppressed by the figures of beauty,
you fixed yourself, you said: "Well, never mind,
we are ugly, but we have the music."
And you got away, didn't you, baby,
you just turned your back on the crowd.
You got away, I never once heard you say:
"I need you, I don't need you,
I need you, I don't need you," --
and all of that jiving around.
I don't mean to suggest that I loved you the best;
I can't keep track of each fallen robin.
I remember you well in the Chelsea Hotel --
that's all, I don't even think of you that often.
Take This Longing-- 1974
Many men have loved the bells
you fastened to the rain; and everyone who wanted you,
they found what they
will always want again --
your beauty lost to you yourself,
just as it was lost to them --
Take this longing from my tongue,
whatever useless things
my hands have done;
let me see your beauty broken down,
like you would do
for one you love.
Your body like a searchlight.
My poverty revealed.
I would like to try your charity,
until you cry:
"Now you must try my greed."
And everything depends upon
how near you sleep to me --
Take this longing from my tongue,
all the lonely things
my hands have done;
let me see your beauty broken down,
like you would do
for one your love.
Hungry as an archway
through which the troops have passed, I stand in ruins behind you,
with your winter clothes,
your broken sandal strap.
But I love to see you naked there,
especially from the back --
Take this longing from my tongue,
all the useless things
my hands have done;
untie for me your high blue gown,
like you would do
for one you love.
You're faithful to the better man.
I'm afraid that he left.
So let me judge your love affair
in this very room where I have
sentenced mine to death.
I'll even wear these old laurel leaves
that he's shaken from his head --
Take this longing from my tongue,
all the useless things
my hands have done;
let me see your beauty broken down,
like you would do
for one you love.
Who By Fire -- 1974
Who by fire? Who by water? Who in the sunshine? Who in the night time?
Who by high ordeal? Who by common trial? Who in your merry, merry
month of May? Who by slow decay? And who shall I say is calling?
And who in her lonely slip? Who by barbiturate? Who in these realms of
love? Who by something blunt? Who by avalanche? Who by powder? Who
for his greed? Who for his hunger? And who shall I say is calling?
Who by brave assent? Who by accident? Who in solitude? Who in this
mirror? Who by his lady's command? Who by his own hand? Who in mortal
chains? Who in power? And who shall I say is calling?
The Guests -- 1979
One by one the guests arrive
The guests are coming through
The open-hearted many
The broken-hearted few
And no one knows where the night is going
And no one knows why the wine is flowing
Oh love, I need you, I need you,
I need you I need you now
And those who dance begin to dance
Those who weep begin
Welcome, welcome, cries a voice
Let all my guests come in
And all go stumbling through that house
in lonely secrecy
Saying Do reveal yourself
Or, Why hast thou forsaken me
All at once the torches flare
The inner door flies open
One by one they enter there
In every style of passion
And here they take their sweet repast
While house and grounds dissolve
And one by one the guests are cast
beyond the garden wall
And those who dance begin to dance
Those who weep begin
And those who earnestly are lost
Are lost and lost again
One by one the guests arrive
The guests are coming through
The broken-hearted many
The open-hearted few
And no one knows where the night is going
And no one knows why the wine is flowing
Oh love, I need you, I need you, I need you
I need you now
Various Positions -- 1984
Now I've heard there was a secret chord
that David played and it pleased the Lord,
but you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this: the fourth, the fifth
the minor fall, the major lift;
the baffled king composing Hallelujah!
Your faith was strong but you needed proof.
You saw her bathing on the roof;
her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you.
She tied you to a kitchen chair
she broke your throne, she cut your hair,
and from your lips she drew the Hallelujah!
You say I took the Name in vain;
I don't even know the name.
But if I did, well, really, what's it to you?
There's a blaze of light in every word;
It doesn't matter which you heard;
the holy, or the broken Hallelujah!
I did my best; it wasn't much.
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch.
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you.
And even though it all went wrong,
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
with nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah!
I'm Your Man -- 1988
If you want a lover
I'll do anything you ask me to
And if you want another kind of love
I'll wear a mask for you
If you want a partner take my hand,
or if you want to strike me
down in anger
here I stand
I'm your man
If you want a boxer
I will step into the ring for you
If you want a doctor
I'll examine every inch of you
If you want a driver
climb inside
or if you want to take me
for a ride
you know you can
I'm your man
The moon's too bright
the chain's too tight
the beast won't go to sleep
I've been running through
these promises to you
that I made and I could not keep
But a man never got a woman back
not by begging on his knees
or I'd crawl to you baby
and I'd fall at your feet
and I'd howl at your beauty
like a dog in heat
and I'd claw at your heart
and I'd tear at your sheet
I'd say please
I'm your man
If you want to sleep
a moment on the road
I will steer for you
and if you want to work the street alone
I'll disappear for you
If you want a father
for your child
or only want to walk
with me a while
across the sand
I'm your man
Tower Of Song -- 1988
My friends are gone and my hair is grey.
I ache in the places where I used to play.
And I'm crazy for love but I'm not coming on.
I'm just paying my rent every day in the tower of song.
I said to Hank Williams, "How lonely does it get?"
Hank Williams hasn't answered yet,
but I hear him coughing all night long,
a hundred floors above me in the tower of song.
I was born like this, I had no choice.
I was born with the gift of a golden voice,
and twenty-seven angels from the great beyond,
they tied me to this table right here in the tower of song.
So you can stick your little pins in that voodoo doll--
I'm very sorry, baby, doesn't look like me at all.
I'm standing by the window where the light is strong.
They don't let a woman kill you, not in the tower of song.
Now you can say that I've grown bitter, but of this you may be sure:
The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor,
and there's a mighty judgement coming, but I may be wrong.
You see, you hear these funny voices in the tower of song.
I see you standing on the other side.
I don't know how the river got so wide.
I loved you, I loved you way back when --
And all the bridges are burning that we might have crossed,
but I feel so close to everything that we lost --
We'll never, we'll never have to lose it again.
So I bid you farewell, I don't know when I'll be back.
There moving us tomorrow to that tower down the track.
But you'll be hearing from me, baby, long after I'm gone.
I'll be speaking to you sweetly from a window in the tower of song.
My friends are gone and my hair is grey.
I ache in the places where I used to play.
And I'm crazy for love, but I'm not coming on.
I'm just paying my rent every day in the tower of song.
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